Call it your Blue Ocean Strategy. Call it a “Niche Domination Blueprint.”  (No link, sorry Warriors.) Whatever you call it, when your competitors all zig, do … pretty much anything else. Here’s one sure way to know your idea is a loser:  You Googled the phrase “clone script” after downloading an example business plan and […]

Today we are going to make 1+1=3 for the second time by combining Evernote and Dropbox  to help you save and backup professionally.  In this case, we’re actually using 3 Apps – Evernote, Dropbox and IFTTT.  Let’s get into it. What is IFTTT? Oh, let’s start with the fun one.  If happens, do __.  If […]

I read every day about SEO, PPC, SEM, conversion rate optimization, content marketing, Google Local, SPYW, Webmasters Tools and social media.  I spent the year learning about psychology and professional writing, influence and sales tactics.  I save everything I find useful either in our /social-media stream, Evernote, bookmarks, or sharing on   Remember how I said I […]